Here’s a friendly Back-to-School health checklist that ZipClinic Urgent Care has compiled for you.
Check Ups
As summer comes to a close and school begins, it’s a good a time for your child to get their annual check-up.
Hepatitis B, Meningitis, Chickenpox, Measles, and others… Make sure immunizations are up to date and have a list ready for your child’s school. Many schools prevent admittance unless he or she’s vaccine record is current, so add this to your Back-to-School health checklist.
Section 504
Does your child have a disability? If so, learn everything you can about section 504 before the school year starts. According to the U.S. Department of Education, section 504 protects the rights of people with disabilities in programs and activities that receive financial assistance from the federal government. Schools that receive federal funding can lose that funding if they do not comply with section 504.
Backpack Safety
As you start investigating the specials on Ninja Turtles and Barbie backpacks, keep in mind the American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends that children’s backpacks weigh no more than 10 to 20% of their body weight. Kindergartners tote about 14% of their body weight on their backs each day—and the backpacks only get heavier as they get older. Add this to your Back-to-School health checklist as well.
Vision Tests
Most kids and their parents come to the realization that the child needs glasses when reading the blackboard becomes difficult. Get your child’s vision tested to avoid missing out on the classroom lessons.
Hearing Tests
Doesn’t hurt to get their hearing tested while you are at it so put it on your Back-to-School health checklist too.
Medicine Schedules
If your child has diabetes or asthma and needs to stick to a schedule of taking medications, advise all teachers and school personnel of what those medicines are and when they need to take them. Also, let them know if your child is allergic to any foods, pollens, bee stings, etc. If they are, provide school personnel with anti-allergen paraphernalia.
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